Guard & Meer

Guard & Meer

Reverse Gyno

Strength 80%
Muscle Gain 80%
Fat/Water Loss 60%
Keep Gains 100%

WHAT IS GW-501516?

The king for Fat Loss & Endurance! GW-501516 (Cardarine) can help you realise your ideal physique quickly. This tried-and-tested formula now that allows users to maintain muscle, propelling endurance whilst loosing fat.


This Selective androgen receptor modulator is a non-hormonal supplement with profound effects on fat loss and endurance. Cardarine improves ability of the body to recover quickly and helps users attain higher levels of performance by allowing them to train harder and for longer without fatigue setting in.


Conquer lean muscle mass and fight off body fat now!



Greatly increases endurance

Effective for cutting and bulking

Improves speed and strength

Improves cardiovascular strength

Effective for losing weight and fat

Protects brain vessels from oxidative damage and stress

Burns fat and suppresses inflammation

Boosts development of nerve cells

Stimulates dramatic fat loss with significant and visible vascularity improvements

Versatile — can be stacked with almost anything



GW-501516 is best used in cycles of 8-12 weeks by men and 4-6 weeks by women though this can differ according to individual preferences and cycle requirements.



10-20mg a day, preferably 30-40 minutes before workouts and after meals, for a period of eight to twelve weeks.



5-10mg a day, preferably 30-40 minutes before workouts and after meals, for a period of four to six weeks.



The half-life of Cardarine is around 24 hours and therefore once a day dosing is fine.



Users of GW-501516 (Cardarine) have reported massive improvements in the levels of body strength and endurance performance. In particular, this benefit of added endurance helps users improve results when performing interval training or cardio. According to online customer reviews, it helps users hit the gym harder and longer without feeling fatigue. GW-501516 is an absolute gamechanger for bodybuilders!

A big majority of users of Cardarine have disclosed that the XSARM has helped them lose stubborn abdominal and visceral fat safely and quickly. This is because GW-501516 exerts a direct effect on fat stores of the body and an indirect effect on the process of fat loss by increasing endurance performance.

Users have reported that Cardarine helps them get more and better value out of weight training sessions. This is by enabling better performance and promoting quick recovery during high rep/short rest type workouts.

You can expect to gain lean muscle whilst loosing fat.

GW-501516 users can also expect enhanced workout performance and improved genetic signalling associated with muscle growth.